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The Environmental Researchers’ Forum has established Green Circles, a kind of community-based environmental organizations. By connecting these Green Circles, the Forum has established a community network throughout the island, especially in the environmentally sensitive areas and the areas where environmental issues have been occurred. This community network maintains direct links with the Forum and works towards preparing a better approach to protect and manage the environment. Mainly we provide updated knowledge, information and relevant training programmes to enhance the working capacity of such circles. We have established eight Green Circles by associating with volunteers at the community level.


  1. Balangoda

  2. Deniyaya

  3. Guruluwana

  4. Hambantota

  5. Mee Mure – Knuckles Mountain Range

  6. Monaragala

  7. Panama

  8. Sinharajaya - Kudawa

  9. Nuwara Eliya

  10. Erathna  - Kuruwita

  11. Baddegama – Galle

  12. Kanneliya – Akuressa

  13. Sankapala – Embilipitiya

  14. Rammale Kanda – Matara

  15. Anuradhapura


This is an on-going process and the list of Green Circles will be expanded in the future.

Green Circles


Environmental Researchers' Forum (ERF)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Geography

University of Ruhuna

Matara 81000

Sri Lanka


Tel        : +94 412222681/ Ext: 3301
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